Friday, September 11, 2009

Today is my youngest daughter's birthday

Aurora Ivy

My gorgeous mergirl

The most talented dancer on the block

You began your journey here 7 years ago

You chose me as your mother

You still choose me each night as we snuggle down and you pick up my arm

and roughly sling it around your sweet torso and pull me closer

Not so long ago, in our other house,

You came downstairs in the middle of the night all teary eyed

I asked you whatever could be wrong

and your reply shook my soul

“Mama, I just, I just need to feel your skin”

I could not deny the need of a child to cuddle, though I had many tasks to do

I am smitten with you each day

And your travels through this life

Have created a child so full of compassion

and love

and spontaneous kindness

You teach me to be a better person each day

Aurora Ivy

Thank you for being 7

and thank you for allowing me to be your mother


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