Monday, December 28, 2009

What are we, barbarians? Late Sunday readings

Un-desmadred… er… re-madred…. er — the word went out from Cesar unto the world, or at least the tekkies around these parts, and found me a motherboard to replace the flaked out one.  A few random late night Sunday posts…

Who was represented at the Copenhagen Climate Summit?

On one side, the victors of a mercantile and utilitarian civilization, in other words, the “civilized” who for so long have forgotten “being” and have blindly chosen an increasingly insatiable “having”.

On the other side, we “barbarians” who remain committed to believing in, and therefore fighting for, a radical change in logic through which the well-being of humanity can be maximized while environmental and ecological impacts are minimized; barbarians who maintain, … that it is not possible to defend human rights if we do not first defend the rights of Mother Earth; barbarians who act with a firm commitment to leaving the planet and the future to our descendents.

(Famous barbarian, Hugo Chavez, translated by David Brookbank. Posted at Machetera).

Santa’s got your number:

Marisa Treviño (Latina Lista) on one Nashville, Tennesee’s response to a demand by the Salvation Army that children attending a party show social security numbers (presumably to weed out, not naughty from nice children, but undocumented, from documented, aliens):

A few weeks ago, it was discovered that some Christmas charities were excluding needy children from their gift lists because their parents didn’t have the proper identification papers — in other words, they might be undocumented.

The biggest organization guilty of this practice was the Salvation Army with its Angel Tree program.

The chamber invited dozens of children to a special Christmas party were food, Santa and a gift was given to each child — no questions asked.

“I think that we understand there may be some rules that will keep some people out of the equation, but I think that’s what we are here for,” said chamber president Yuri Cunza. “That’s why other neighbors, other members of our community are here, and they are stepping up to the challenge. We are very proud of that.”

Santa, who was not reached for comment, is said by reliable sources to be preparing lumps of coal for some “charity” organizers.

Everything’s coming up roses…

Porter Corn, Mexican Trucker:

In honor of the 200th anniversary of Mexican independence and 100 years since the country’s revolution, the Mexican government is sponsoring its first Rose Parade float in over 40 years. “With this float we’re going to tell 40 million people watching on TV that it’s Mexico’s birthday,” said Juan Marcos Gutierrez-Gonzalez, the Mexican consul general in Los Angeles. “There’s no better way to do it.”


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