Friday, December 25, 2009

A light Meditation From Symeon The New Theologain -Children Of Light Four

A Light Meditation from Symeon the New Theologian

leBssed are they… who have received Christ coming as light in the darkness {Jn 1:5,12}, for they are become sons of light and of day {1 Thes 5:5}.

The following meditation is a ‘Hymn to God’ which came to Symeon as light from his appreciative heart. Symeon was a tenth-century Christian, who came to be known as The New Theologian. He wrote about his inner experiences more freely than any previous Christian known to us. He also wrote with great love about his spiritual master, Symeon – the Pious, whom Symeon, the New Theologian, acknowledged as the essential key to his own enlightenment.

“Then as I was meditating, Master, on these things, suddenly you appeared from above, much greater than the sun and you shone brilliantly from the heavens down into my heart:

O what intoxication of Light,

O what movements of Fire,

Oh, what swirling of the flame in me,

miserable one that I am.

Coming from you and your Glory!…

I fall in adoration before You…

You appeared as light, illuminating me

completely from your Light,

and I become Light in the night.

I who was found in the midst of darkness.

There was poured into my soul in unutterable fashion

a great spiritual joy and perception.

And a sweetness surpassing every taste of visible objects.

Together with a freedom and forgetfulness’

of all thoughts pertaining to this life…

Thus all the perceptions of my mind and my soul

were wholly concentrated on the ineffable joy

of that Light.

¤ º ¤`•.¸.•´¤ º ¤ •.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸.* ♥

thank you for the light.


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