Thursday, August 27, 2009

I have a feeling that someone is watching me.

I can’t help but feel eyes on me as I meander through the city streets.  Walking down to the subway, I feel the eyes.  Sitting quietly, listening to music or reading a book, I feel them.

Once in a while, I will catch the eyes and notice who they belong to. A human being, small in stature and maybe about couple of feet tall.  With big eyes and curious gazes.  Holding a hand that belongs to a person much larger than them.  Possibly carrying a doll or toy.  Can you guess who is watching me?

Yes, it’s a toddler.  More particularly, a Korean toddler.  I live in Korea, and I work as a school teacher.  I’m fairly used to being the only non-Korean person in the room, and while that has never bothered me, I can’t help but notice the little ones.  They are my favourite.  I can’t help but feel a strongly selfish desire to be the first curly-haired, tall, pale, green-eyed foreign woman they have seen.   I’m as transfixed with them as they are with me.  I feel special, and interesting, and for a moment, I remember being that age too.


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